Hey Wizard and Dragon fans! I just put up the Email Archmage page! Just remember, that if you have any trouble emailing me comment on this blog post about it, just as soon as you finish reading this. So yesterday remember how I told you that Frostagian and I would be going on a field trip to a medieval museum, for part of home schooling? Well, let me just say that it wasn't exactly the nice, and peaceful, field trip I was looking for. How about I start at the beginning? Hm? Yes I agree. Let's start. Frostagian, and I, have been sitting in the car for what seemed like hours, waiting to get to the museum. Very Important Wizards, or VIWs, such as Frostagian, and I, get their own driver to drive them around when doing things on earth. It was freezing outside. The temperature in the morning was 35 degrees Fahrenheit, and for the rest of the day it stayed around 40 degrees. When the car finally reached the museum Frostagian, and I, hopped out. I took a good look at the building. Just by first glance I could tell that it was extremely old- No, wait that would be a huge understatement. Think more ancient than the dinosaurs. The paint was peeling off so much, that you could use each peel as a giant sheet of paper. There were cracks in the windows from the dangerous, and unexpected, weather around here. And there was also- wait... What was that in the window? It looked kind of like someone in armor just watching me. "Come on Archmage! We're going into the museum!" Frostagian hollered. "Sorry I thought I saw something in the window." I called back. "Just come, and see for yourself!" But when Frostagian came over here it was gone. "I could swear I saw a person in a full suit of armor. He was standing right there "Archmage, it's a medieval museum. Not a haunted mansion." Maybe Frostagian was right. I probably was just imagining it. The whole place looks like a scare park anyway. Besides, haunted things can't live in this world. Right? The door creaked loudly as we opened it, and went inside. The driver stayed outside, to wait for us to come out. The inside of the museum was humid and smelled moist, which was very strange because of the temperature outside. We walked to the front desk. An old man sat behind the counter. He was staring hard at some sort of paper work, laying on his desk. We waited awhile, and he didn't even notice we were right in front of him. So I knocked on the old, wooden, antique to get his attention. The old man looked up, and smiled as if he had expected us. "Hello, My name is Mr. H. Can I help you with something?" Frostagian didn't look the least bit suspicious. "We'd like to look at the museum please." said Frostagian in a confident voice. "That would be $2.79" I handed him the money and he said, "Enjoy the museum. The place where history comes to life" Once we were out of hearing range from the old man I whispered to Frostagian, "Okay, that was a little too creepy for me. And what did he mean by the place where history comes to life?" "I'm sure he just meant that the museum explains history so well it seems real." "Maybe." I said. "But let's get this over with quickly. I don't want to stay here too long." To cover ground faster we split up. I went into the armor exhibit, and Frostagian went into the weapons exhibit. We both decided that we'll take notes on the things in the different exhibits and then on the drive back home we would read each others notes. When I walked into the armor room I looked at each different set of equipment. I looked every set up and down while writing notes. I came to the final case, but just like in all haunted stories the case was empty. Right then I felt a cold hand on my shoulder. I didn't want to turn around, but for some reason I did. Standing right in front of me was a full suite of battle armor. There was no human in it though. It was haunted. It raised its arm, and would have whacked my head off if I hadn't jumped out of the way. In response, I pulled out my wand, and yelled, "Frescisus!" What used to be a terrifying thing of destruction, is now a solid block of ice. Just then I remembered my friend in the other room. "RRROOOOAAAAARRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!" Frostagian! I ran to the other room as fast as I could, and There standing in the middle of the weapons exhibit was a large frost dragon surrounded by 10 deadly swords. Frostagian blew her ice-breath on a fifth of the weapons, and whacked some others with her tail. I cast another spell finishing off the last of the evil items. "Let's get out of here, now!" yelled Frostagian, turning back into a human. We ran all the way to the door when the old, creepy man just poofed out of nowhere! "Just leaving?" he said. "There is no escape from Mr. Haunted!" "Wait, that's what the M stands for?" "Well, yeah." "That's really pathetic. The next time you see us, come up with a better name. I mean seriously." "What do you mean by-" "See'ya!" I said diving under Mr. H's feet, with Frostagian following close behind. "W-w-w-wait! You're not supposed to get away!" "Too bad!" said Frostagian. "We just did!" Frostagian, and I wasted no time getting into the car, slamming the doors shut, and telling the driver to "FLOOR IT!!!!!". I got home at night explaining the whole thing to my parents. I wanted to go to sleep, but no one can sleep with thoughts of, haunted armor trying to destroy them, in their head. I hope you, reader, will get a good night sleep. Comment me a lot tonight, please. I'll probably be staying up all night, which is definitely long enough to read a whole bunch of comments if you send them.