Archmage DragonRider

Hi Wizard and dragon fans! anyway sorry I didn't post a message yesterday. That was just me easing back into regular life. hearing the buzzing of the computers, feeling the nice crisp pages of a book I'm reading, and making sure Ziggy and Zany don't burn the house down. *Aah* finally. But nothing stays the same for long as you might have noticed in the past blog entries I have posted. In this case the council of magic is still hoping I'll be going on that mission I mentioned in that post before the state fair incident. Tonight I am packing up my essentials for tomorrow when I go to the magic council to recieve my ride to the start of the my mission. So I'm really excited but at the same time sad because I just got home but oh well. Anyway one of the comments posted said that if I was making a book that he would read it. Well actually I am working on a book. I can't really guarantee you anything a book is a working progress that might take a long time. And not many people might want to read it anyway. Readers please post me comments telling me that if my book got published weather you would read it or not. Okay? Well I know this post was shorter than usual and I didn't say anything about Ziggy and Zany unless you think that the fact that immediately after I was done packing they took a sudden interest in my backpacks contents and spread them all around the house is funny. Well I'll write you soon and remember I want to see those comments!
A certain frost dragon
9/25/2009 12:38:45 am

I would love to read your book!I also hope you have a good mission.Mabye meet some new friends.*cough*hint*cough

Your Classmate and Friend
9/30/2009 01:08:25 am

I would read your book.

10/9/2009 11:39:01 am

i was the first friend u told about the site hint(Ada...)hint and turns out i am a seceret spy/member of the countsle mabey they might put me on that mission with u i hope so!!!

10/9/2009 11:42:54 am

i forgot 2 things 1 i am your biggest fan 2 "your classmate and friend" archmage D rider is homeschooled so u cant b in his class

10/10/2009 02:23:30 am

ps i am also mystery man... trying to act normal

10/10/2009 02:23:52 am

hi nice blog!

A certain frost dragon
10/13/2009 07:59:52 am

at me:
your classmate and friend is homeschooled with archmage. u dont know him, but you do know me.(hint:think math club + girl)

at archmage:
got any good wyvern pics? i might want to use them.

A certain frost dragon
10/13/2009 08:03:12 am

also i am a member of the order and i am half dragon so thats how i can learn spells

A certain frost dragon
10/13/2009 08:06:01 am

i ment to say council.WHY DO I ALWAYS DO THAT

9/3/2012 06:42:35 am

will be restored before long


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