Hey Wizard and Dragon fans! Sorry I haven't posted anything for a while. I've been busy as a bee. Hm? Oh! Not because of wizard duties! If it was I probably would've told you about about them already. No I was busy with regular stuff. Decorating for Christmas, going to my choir rehearsals, and keeping Ziggy and Zany from burning the house down. Well, actually I guess you wouldn't really call that last one normal. Very few people have pet wyverns. Including wizards. You heard right, most wizards don't keep wyverns as pets. They prefer owls, or rats. *Yuck!* Getting back on subject... I've been waiting for awhile now. What have I been waiting for you ask? Well, mostly I've been waiting for more people to enter the drawing contest. I mean, it's really hard to believe the number of people entered. One.................... Only one person has submitted. I was really hoping more people would try. This would be really fun if more people enter. If nobody else does there will only be one winner. I thought of a good prize too. Oh! I see I have your attention now. The top three winners of the drawing competition get to, #1 Have their picture, and pen name, hanging up in the "Hall of Fame" (coming soon). #2 Become email buddies with me (Unless you don't want to. If you do, use the email address on the "Email Archmage" page. must make up a new pen name when emailing me so I know when it's really you sending me emails.) #3 Ask Ziggy and Zany a question, and have it answered by them the next Friday. That's right! If you get in 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place you win all that! Cool right? Okay don't answer that. It was a rhetorical question. I'm really looking forward to have more people send pictures in. :) Oh! Wait! I almost forgot the other reason I wanted to post this! It's about this game I want for Christmas. I have to admit that so far it's the best Nintendo DS game I've ever played. Wow! I've never said that about any DS game in the world. (Get on with it already!) Gee you always pop in the moment I'm really happy, or excited. And only to bark angry comments at me, or criticize my choice of words. (That's what I live for.) Oh, darn it! I forgot what I was talking about! (The game.) Oh, yeah. The game is called "Scribblenauts". An extremely popular game that came out September 15th, 2009. The idea of the game is to solve puzzles, and help the hero, Maxwell, find Starites. You can create literally anything in the dictionary, and more, with Maxwell's note pad. You use the things you create to help solve the puzzles. Like for instance, on the very first level standing in front of you is a tree. In the tree, is a Starite. You have to get the Starite out of the tree, to where Maxwell can reach it. There are many ways to solve this puzzle. You can write down, "lumberjack", on Maxwell's note pad, and the lumberjack will cut down the tree. You could also write down, "wood pecker" and the wood pecker will eat the tree. *snicker* write down, "magic carpet", and you can fly up to get it. There are, guaranteed, over 1,000,000 more ways to solve that puzzle, and over 200 puzzles to solve. But in each level there is a limited amount of items you may use at once. The less items you use the more Ollars you earn. Ollars is the money you use in Scribblenauts. You can use Ollars to buy different free-play modes. After you finish the level once you can do the advanced part. The advanced part is almost the same as the first part except you try to do the level multiple times, each time with items you've never used in that level before. By the way, when you're done reading this post, I've put up a You tube video about Scribblenauts. So watch that as soon as you're done reading this.Well there's my game review for "Scribblenauts". One more thing. As you might have noticed I edited the "Home" page. I made that change after I tried to show one of my friends my website, and he said he only saw a blank page. I've also edited a few typos in past blog posts, so you know just minor changes. Well I hope you have a good day readers, and remember, send in those pictures :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)