Hey Wizard and Dragon fans! Sadly this will be the only time I'll ever post a post on "Ask Ziggy, and Zany". Ziggy and Zany were complaining about my website, and how they didn't get to do anything with it. So I came up with "Ask Ziggy, and Zany". Readers like you will email me questions for Ziggy and Zany through the "Email Archmage" page, and once a week on Fridays Ziggy and Zany will read all the questions, pick one, and answer it in "Ask Ziggy, and Zany". I don't want you to give out private information about yourself so when you email me questions you have to use pen names like, sweaty socks, or something like that. When Ziggy and Zany are talking on the post Ziggy will talk in quotation marks like, "Hi, my name is Ziggy." and Zany will talk in apostrophe marks like, 'Hi, my name is Zany.' So if there is anything you don't understand comment me on this post.